Work package 4 identifies data sets and distills scenarios for the model comparison. This serves as a fundament for the comparison exercise in work package 5 and is also based on the storylines developed in work package 3. In a first step a pre-selection of storylines will be conducted, namely those storylines that seem most likely and most interesting for the scenario development will be identified. In the subsequent step the required parameters will be specified such that they can be applied in the energy models used in the 4NEMO project. In particular, we will determine which factors will be included in the 4NEMO’s economic framework database. This database will then be quantified. On the one hand, this will be done using the knowledge of the experts within the consortium; on the other hand, a CGE model will be used to determine specific parameter values for macroeconomic, environmental and sectoral indicators. This database will be presented and discussed with stakeholders and modeling experts in various workshops. Based on the outcome of these consultations, the database will be revised and supplemented.